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Gutenberg is a research and teaching platform developed by the Oxford Research Engineering Group at the University of Oxford.

Gutenberg is a node.js application built using Next.js and Prisma.

This will guide you through the process of setting up a development environment.

If you instead wish to build the application via docker then please refer to the docker guide

To see how to to build the docs, please see the documentation guide.

Getting Started

First, clone the repository:

git clone

Then navigate to the newly created gutenberg base directory and clone the material repository into the .material folder.

git clone .material

This will populate the teaching material into the app when the application is launched.

Copy the .env file to a new file named .env.local and fill in the values. If you don’t need to be able to authenticate or enable the search feature, you only need to edit the DATABASE_URL value to the URL of your database.

Installing dependencies

You will Node.js and npm or yarn (yarn is preferred) installed on your system, follow along with their respective documentation if you do not have them. Then run:

yarn install
# or
npm install

Providing a database

You will also need a postgres database that you can use, this can be hosted locally or remotely. If remote, you can either access directly or proxy the connection, either way you will need to set the DATABASE_URL environment variable in .env.local to the connection string for the database. We leave it up to you how you wish to do this.

Use a different database than your live site, do not connect your development environment to your production DB.

If it is your first time running the application, you will need to run the migrations to set up the database schema. This can be done with:

yarn prisma migrate dev

Providing course material

Course material is provided by git repositories defined by the “repos” in the configuration yaml.

Once you have installed the dependencies, you can populate the material directory with:

yarn pullmat

This will pull the course material into the “MATERIAL_DIR” directory, which defaults to .material.

Any course material in this directory will be automatically rendered by gutenberg at /material.

Running the development server

The development server can now be started with:

yarn dev
# or
npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result!

Alternatively, to test a production build:

yarn build
yarn start

Will build and run a production optimised version of the application.

Prisma Studio

Prisma Studio is a GUI for viewing and editing the database. It can be started with:

npx prisma studio

The prisma command only reads from .env and not .env.local, so you will need to either copy the values from .env.local to .env, or use a command like dotenv to populate the environment variables. For example:

npm install dotenv-cli -g
dotenv -e .env.local npx prisma studio

Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository